Information Channel Effect in consumer behavior: an agent based model

Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems(CASOS) Conference 2002.

Hitoshi YAMAMOTO, Isamu Okada, Toshizumi OHTA


Does increasing the number of information channels in the information network society diversify or concentrate consumption variety? To answer this question, we studied how increasing the number of information channels affects consumption behavior in our society. An information channel is defined as an information communication medium, and channel quantity is defined as the amount of information it can exchange between individuals. We attempted to structure a model of winner-take-all phenomena that emerge with increases in information channel number, and analyzed the model through computer simulation.

proceedings file (PDF file)(3 pages / English)

go Hitoshi Yamamoto Study work || go Hitoshi Yamamoto top || UEC Social Infomation Systems Laboratory || University of Electro-Communications