
Differences of relational stability among communication media: Agent based approach

日本社会情報学会 第16回全国大会 予稿集,2000.

山本 仁志,岡田勇,太田敏澄




We consider the effects of communications by mobile phone have on the process of building relations among individuals, and discuss the impacts such communications have on interpersonal relationships among individuals in a network society. We classify the media into telephone, PC mail, and mobile mail. The relations among individuals are built on element as relation, genre, and topic. In our results of simulation, a communications company is more stabilized (in the sense of limited business opportunities) by mobile media than that of by PC media. This paper employs a multi-agent model to illustrate how various communication fundamentals generate and change interpersonal relationships among individuals.


モバイルコミュニケーション, 関係形成, マルチエージェント, コンピュータシミュレーション

proceedings (6 pages)

go Hitoshi Yamamoto Study work || go Hitoshi Yamamoto top || UEC Social Infomation Systems Laboratory || University of Electro-Communications