山本 仁志,石田和成,太田敏澄
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Abstract:This paper discusses the effectiveness of sharing information concerning the reputation of buyers and sellers in an online C2C market. We developed a computer simulation model, which describes online transactions with a reputation information management system to share information concerning the reputation of consumers. It is designed on an agent-based approach specifically iterated prisoners dilemma game theory. According to the results of a simulation, a positive reputation system can be more effective than a negative reputation system for an online transaction. The results should be an important suggestion for designing a reputation system of online transaction.
Reputation Management System, Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma, e-commerce, online market, Agent-Based Approach
The version below was edited prior to publication, and hence is not the final version.消費者間オンライン取引における評判管理システムの分析(PDF)