モバイルメッセージのシミュレーションモデル — コミュニケーション関係に与える影響

A simulation model for mobile message: influence of relation formation

2001年 経営情報学会 春季全国研究発表大会 予稿集,2001.





Intuitively, mobile communications promote opportunities of communications among individuals, and increase variety of individual relations. In order to observe the features of mobile communications, we develop a model of communications with respect to the properties of media, and simulate the individual relations. The properties of media are classified into telephone, PC-mail, and mobile message. The relation among individuals are build on element as relation, genre, and topic. As a result of simulations, the mobile communications have a tendency to bring about fixed relations among individuals in spite of assumed varieties of individual relations. The results of simulation suggest that the mobile communication is a medium to bring on a relation in depth among individuals.


モバイルコミュニケーション, 関係形成, マルチエージェント, コンピュータシミュレーション

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go Hitoshi Yamamoto Study work || go Hitoshi Yamamoto top || UEC Social Infomation Systems Laboratory || University of Electro-Communications